Çäðàâñòâóéòå, ãîñòü ( Âõîä | Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ )

Èñòîðèÿ áëàãîäàðíîñòåé ó÷àñòíèêó amw. Ñïàñèáî ñêàçàëè: 106 ðàç(à)
Äàòà ïîñòà: Â òåìå: Çà ñîîáùåíèå: Ñïàñèáî ñêàçàëè:
9 Jun 2023, 07:36 Âîïðîñû î "ñöåíå" è "íå ñöåíå"
To scene or not to scene - that's the question =)
Öèòàòà(djmironov840 @ 24 Sep 2022, 17:54) *
Ðåëèç ãðóïïà ZZzZ - ×òî ýòî çà ãðóïïà? Â èõ ðåëèçàõ ìíîãî ñðåçîâ ïî 16 êãö è àïêîíâåðòîâ ))) https://handsupowo.pl/Thread-PORNOBASS-X-Sa...l-sound-spectre ß äàæå ñðàâíåíèå ñäåëàë ñàì âûòàùèë áåç ñðåçà ñ þòþáà è èõ ðåëèç êîòîðûé òàêæå ñ þòþáà ! íî ó íèõ ñðåç íà 16 êãö )))))

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èíîãäà èõ äîðîãè ñõîäÿòñÿ ñ MARiBOR, íî òàì â îñíîâíîì ÿ òàê ïîíÿë âîïðîñ äóáëèðîâàíèÿ, à íå êà÷åñòâà.
27 Aug 2017, 14:29 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
ph34r.gif âåçäå pass: newtr

01 Surge                                                         [02:24]

01 Alright Now (Above & Beyond Club Mix)                         [04:05]
02 Alright Now (Above & Beyond Extended Club Mix)                [06:58]

01 6 AM Saint                                                    [03:31]
02 Maheno                                                        [03:49]
03 6 AM Saint (Extended Mix)                                     [05:01]
04 Maheno (Extended Mix)                                         [05:38]

01 Scars                                                         [03:40]
02 Scars (Extended Mix)                                          [04:55]

01 I Will Be There                                               [04:06]
02 I Will Be There                                               [06:35]

01 Skin                                                          [03:37]
02 Skin (Extended Mix)                                           [05:53]

01 Shining                                                       [03:33]
02 Shining (Extended Mix)                                        [06:33]
degust8r, Norco-77, Thunder, tommaso,
18 Jun 2017, 01:10 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
çàëèë íåìíîãî íåäàâíèõ ñèíãëîâ âûïóùåííûõ íà Àíäæóíå wink.gif
ph34r.gif âåçäå pass: newtr
01. Above And Beyond Ft. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel And Dresden Remix) (Above And Beyond Respray) (4:22)
02. Above And Beyond Ft. Zoe Johnston - Save Me (Thomas Schwartz And Fausto Fanizza Remix) (3:46)
03. Kyau And Albert - Millions (3:07)
04. Above And Beyond Ft. Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth (Gabriel And Dresden Remix) (Above And Beyond Extended Respray) (7:45)
05. Above And Beyond Ft. Zoe Johnston - Save Me (Thomas Schwartz And Fausto Fanizza Extended Mix) (7:05)
06. Kyau And Albert - Millions (Extended Mix) (5:19)

01. Above & Beyond - On A Good Day (ilan Bluestone Remix) (4:06)
02. Luminary - Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger Update) (4:46)
03. Above & Beyond - On A Good Day (ilan Bluestone Extended Mix) (5:58)
04. Luminary - Amsterdam (Smith & Pledger Extended Update) (7:34)

01. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Dirty South Remix) (4:17)
02. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Dirty South Extended Mix) (7:25)

01. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Jason Ross Remix) (3:39)
02. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Zoo Brazil Remix) (4:54)
03. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Jason Ross Extended Mix) (6:10)
04. Dirty South ft. ANiMA - I Swear (Zoo Brazil Extended Mix) (7:13)

01. Sunny Lax - Pequod (4:08)
02. Sunny Lax - 86 (4:11)
03. Sunny Lax - Pequod (Extended Mix) (6:22)
04. Sunny Lax - 86 (Extended Mix) (6:03)

01. Jaytech & Judah - Boss Fight (3:59)
02. Jaytech & Judah - Boss Fight (Extended Mix) (6:27)

01. Spencer Brown - Embarcadero (Radio Edit) (4:13)
02. Spencer Brown - 5th & Concord (Radio Edit) (4:50)
03. Spencer Brown feat. Rachel K. Collier - Always Do You (Radio Edit) (3:40)
04. Spencer Brown - Embarcadero (Original Mix) (7:25)
05. Spencer Brown - 5th & Concord (Original Mix) (7:09)
06. Spencer Brown feat. Rachel K. Collier - Always Do You (Original Mix) (6:14)
degust8r, Norco-77, tommaso,
22 May 2017, 15:07 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
__________________________[ = Tracklist = ]_____________________________
01 6 AM Saint                                                    [03:31]
02 Maheno                                                        [03:49]
03 6 AM Saint (Extended Mix)                                     [05:01]
04 Maheno (Extended Mix)                                         [05:38]

pass: newtr
11 May 2017, 11:08 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
__________________________[ = Tracklist = ]_____________________________
01 Alright Now (Above & Beyond Club Mix)                         [04:05]
02 Alright Now (Above & Beyond Extended Club Mix)                [06:58]

pass: newtr
6 May 2017, 08:20 ReOrder
Uplifting Trance \O/
ñâåæèé ñèíãë, âûøåë â÷åðà
__________________________[ = Tracklist = ]_____________________________

01 #slovakboys                                                   [03:19]
02 #slovakboys (Extended Mix)                                    [05:04]

pass: newtr

16 Apr 2017, 01:40 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
Óâû, î÷åíü ìàëî ñèíãëîâ êîòîðûå õî÷åòñÿ ïîðåêîìåíäîâàòü.
Íå äëÿ Àíäæóíû ñàóíä êîíå÷íî, íî ðàáîòà õîðîøàÿ. Ãðóì òàùèò.

__________________________[ = Tracklist = ]_____________________________

01 Shout                                                         [03:49]
02 Shout (Extended Mix)                                          [05:26]

16 Apr 2017, 01:32 Ðåëèçû ëåéáëà Anjunabeats, Anjunadeep
Above & Beyond presents...
ñëîæèëîñü òàêîå âïå÷àòëåíèå, ÷òî ïîêà òðàíñ óìèðàë â 2010-12 ãîäó Ýáàâû òÿíóëè ñâî¸ ðàäèîøîó Trance Around the World íà êàêèõ-òî îñòàòêàõ
è óæå ñêàòûâàëèñü â ìýéíñòðèìîâóþ ýëåêòðîíùèíó äóìàÿ ÷òî òîãî òðàíñà óæå íå áóäåò.

â èòîãå îðãàíèçîâàëè íîâîå øîó, ãäå è ïî ñåé äåíü èãðàþò òðýø, à òðàíñ âçÿë è ñäåëàë ðàçâîðîò ñ 2014 ãîäà ïðèìåðíî.
âåðíóëñÿ ãîäíûé àïëèôò, âîêàë, ìåëîäèê, à Ýáàâû íà äàííûé ìîìåíò âûãëÿäÿò êàê ïðîäþñåðû, êîòîðûõ "êèíóë" èõ æå ïåðâîíà÷àëüíûé ñòèëü. çàáàâíî smile.gif
è ãðóïïó ôàíàòîâ îíè ñåáå òåì ñàìûì êàðäèíàëüíî ñìåíèëè (âçÿëè ìîëîäåæü), ìíîãèå èç òåõ êòî õîäèë íà íèõ 10-12 ëåò íàçàä ïåðåñòàëè ýòî äåëàòü.
øîó åñòü øîó, à âîò ìóçûêà - ôóôëî) íå ôîíàðèêè, ëàçåðû è äûì æå ìû òóäà õîäèì ïîñìîòðåòü.
Âëàäèìèð Â.,
15 Apr 2017, 02:18 ReOrder
Uplifting Trance \O/
à âîò åù¸ ßíâàðñêèé ðåëèç wink.gif

__________________________[ = Tracklist = ]_____________________________

01 Spirit of Ecstasy (Extended Mix)                              [06:31]

19 Nov 2016, 01:54 BEST 2016
Ëó÷øèå òðàíñ òðåêè ãîäà
Driftmoon & Ferry Tayle - Titanfall - [FSOE]
F.G. Noise & Jo Cartwright - Shed My Skin - [Amsterdam Trance]
ReLocate Vs. Robert Nickson & Carol Lee - Built To Last (Ferry Tayle Remix) - [Amsterdam Trance]

è âñåì êòî õî÷åò Faded â òðàíñîâîé âåðñèè biggrin.gif
Alan Walker - Faded (Matt Chowski Remix)
DeeJay Dan,
3 Aug 2014, 11:34 Roger Shah
aka DJ Shah, Sunlounger, Magic Wave
01. Without You (Original Mix) 6:32
pass: new.music
Dreamkeeper, tommaso,
3 Aug 2014, 11:31 Sied Van Riel
1. Gravity (Original) 7:11
2. Gravity (Sneijder Remix) 7:13
3. Gravity (Bastian Salbart Remix) 6:19
4. Gravity (David Forbes Full On Mix) 6:22
5. Gravity (Jose Nunez Remix) 6:07
6. Gravity (Sephano & Torio Remix) 4:59
7. Gravity (Radio Edit) 3:50
pass: new.music
DJ Hooligan,
3 Aug 2014, 11:22 Funabashi
01. A Walk To Remember (Original Mix) 7:08
pass: new.music
Dreamkeeper, E-GENN,
29 Jul 2014, 07:41 Alex M.O.R.P.H.
ÌÎÐÔ ðåìèêñàíóë òåìó èç ôèëüìà Ïåêëî!

1. A Star Within A Star (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix) 7:06
2. A Star Within A Star (James Dymond Remix) 8:15
3. A Star Within A Star (Adam Ellis Remix) 8:41
pass: new.music
Dreamkeeper, E-GENN, SunTrance,
24 Jul 2014, 23:34 Solarstone
+ ñîëüíûå ïðîåêòû Rich Mowatt è áûâøåãî ó÷àñòíèêà Sam Tierney
01. Slowmotion III (Solarstone Remix) (8:56)
02. Slowmotion III (Orkidea Remix) (13:22)
pass: new.music
24 Jul 2014, 23:30 Sean Tyas
01. Unleash (7:01)
pass: new.music
22 Jul 2014, 07:22 Alex M.O.R.P.H.
01~ Nitro (Club Mix) 06:12
02~ Nitro (Radio Edit) 03:20
pass: new.music

2 Scar ìîùíî, íî íàïîìíèëî êàêîé-òî ìýø íà Razorblade
Dreamkeeper, serega2690, SunTrance,
17 Jul 2014, 15:06 ReOrder
Uplifting Trance \O/
1. The Void (Radio Edit) 4:17
2. The Void 6:20
pass: new.music
17 Jul 2014, 00:47 Ñåðèÿ Armada Lounge

                               Üþ ßß þÜ
                            ÜÛß        ßÜ                         Ferrex<SAC>
   Üþ ßßÛ²²±ÛÛÜ °±±±±± Û²²±ÛÛÛ²° ܲ±±±Û۲߱±±±ÛÛÜ ± Û²±±ÛÛÛ° ±± Û²±±ÛÛÛ° ±±°°
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°± [ wAx iS PROUD TO PRESENT TO YOU ..] ±±±±±±±°  ßþ ÜÜ þß  ±±±±±° ß ±±±±° °
  º VA - Armada Lounge Vol 7-2CD                           Ü        Ü      ³
    [ RELEASE iNFORMATiON ]                                            ±²±  
  º RELEASE DATE..[ Jul 15 - 2014                                         ]º
  º RELEASE SiZE..[ 262.25 Mb                                             ]º
  º # OF FiLES....[ 40                                                    ]º
  º                                                                        º
  º QUALiTY.......[ 212 kBit/s                                            ]º
  º USED ENCODER..[ LAME3.98.4                                            ]º
  º                                                                        º
  º GENRE.........[ Lo-Fi                                                 ]º
  º YEAR..........[ 2014                                                  ]º
  º ALBUM.........[ Armada Lounge Vol 7-2CD                               ]º
  º ARTiST(S).....[ VA                                                    ]º
  º LABEL.........[ Armada Music                                          ]º
  º ±²±                                                         [ TRACKS ] º
      NR - TiTLE ...                                                TiME.  
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ [ 101 - josh gabriel presents winter kills - tomorrow        ] [04:52] º
  ³ [ 102 - tenishia - point of no return (chill out mix)        ] [02:17] º
  ³ [ 103 - armin van buuren ft fiora - waiting for the night... ] [04:40] º
  ³ [ 104 - lowland - synaesthesia (orchestral version)          ] [03:33] º
  ³ [ 105 - christian burns and marco v - frozen heart (acous... ] [04:42] º
  ³ [ 106 - alexander popov - the last he said                   ] [04:25] º
  ³ [ 107 - young parisians ft ben lost - jump the next train... ] [03:23] º
  ³ [ 108 - boom jinx and judah - please believe me              ] [02:54] º
  ³ [ 109 - lustral - still loving you                           ] [03:26] º
  ³ [ 110 - dt8 project - hold me till the end (unplugged mix)   ] [03:45] º
  ³ [ 111 - krono ft vanjess - redlight                          ] [03:21] º
  ³ [ 112 - ram and susana - ramelia (tribute to amelia) (lou... ] [02:03] º
  ³ [ 113 - tydi ft tania zygar - the moment it breaks (chill... ] [03:29] º
  ³ [ 114 - ashley wallbridge - emotions                         ] [02:05] º
  ³ [ 115 - cosmic gate and emma hewitt - be your sound (live... ] [03:43] º
  ³ [ 116 - sunlounger - aguas blancas (chill mix)               ] [05:50] º
  ³ [ 117 - conjure one - only sky                               ] [04:05] º
  ³ [ 118 - matt darey ft ashley tomberlin - lost at sea (rod... ] [03:30] º
  ³ [ 119 - chicane - low sun                                    ] [06:24] º
  ³ [ 120 - the realm - lost in space (conjure one remix)        ] [04:34] º
  ³ [ 201 - christian burns and paul van dyk - we are tonight... ] [04:02] º
  ³ [ 202 - tydi - ashleys theme (chill out mix)                 ] [03:43] º
  ³ [ 203 - emma hewitt - foolish boy (zetandel chill out mix)   ] [04:47] º
  ³ [ 204 - lustral - falling leaves                             ] [03:55] º
  ³ [ 205 - tenishia - as we speak (chill out mix)               ] [03:59] º
  ³ [ 206 - dark matters ft neev kennedy - loneliness wont le... ] [04:13] º
  ³ [ 207 - conjure one ft aruna - still holding on (aruna vs... ] [04:43] º
  ³ [ 208 - eco - alonism (lounge mix)                           ] [03:31] º
  ³ [ 209 - blake jarrell ft michael s. - say what you will (... ] [03:14] º
  ³ [ 210 - lustral - once again                                 ] [04:06] º
  ³ [ 211 - tydi ft christina novelli - fire and load (stripp... ] [03:20] º
  ³ [ 212 - lustral - love shines through (instrumental mix)     ] [04:19] º
  ³ [ 213 - andy moor and ashley wallbridge ft gabriela - wor... ] [04:30] º
  ³ [ 214 - jurgen vries ft cmc - the opera song (brave new w... ] [03:24] º
  ³ [ 215 - gabriel and dresden - ascending                      ] [01:39] º
  ³ [ 216 - susana ft dark matters - sleepless ocean             ] [04:17] º
  ³ [ 217 - kat krazy ft elkka - siren (rodg chill mix)          ] [03:46] º
  ³ [ 218 - conjure one - all that you leave behind              ] [04:22] º
  ³ [ 219 - matt darey ft erica driscoll - too far (zetandel ... ] [04:28] º
  ³ [ 220 - chicane - leaving town                               ] [03:53] º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³          .x [ PLAY-TiME [155:32] -*- TOTAL TRACKS [40] ] x.            º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ [ TRACK LiST ]                                                         º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³     CD 1:                                                              º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ 01. Josh Gabriel Presents Winter Kills - Tomorrow                      º
  ³ 02. Tenishia - Point Of No Return (Chill Out Mix)                      º
  ³ 03. Armin Van Buuren ft Fiora - Waiting For The Night (Zetandel Chill  º
  ³     Out Mix)                                                           º
  ³ 04. Lowland - Synaesthesia (Orchestral Version)                        º
  ³ 05. Christian Burns & Marco V - Frozen Heart (Acoustic Version)        º
  ³ 06. Alexander Popov - The Last He Said                                 º
  ³ 07. Young Parisians ft Ben Lost - Jump The Next Train (Slow Train      º
  ³     Version)                                                           º
  ³ 08. Boom Jinx & Judah - Please Believe Me                              º
  ³ 09. Lustral - Still Loving You                                         º
  ³ 10. DT8 Project - Hold Me Till The End (Unplugged Mix)                 º
  ³ 11. KRONO ft VanJess - Redlight                                        º
  ³ 12. RAM & Susana - RAMelia (Tribute To Amelia) (Lounge Mix)            º
  ³ 13. tyDi ft Tania Zygar - The Moment It Breaks (Chill Out Mix)         º
  ³ 14. Ashley Wallbridge - Emotions                                       º
  ³ 15. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Be Your Sound (Live Acoustic Version)  º
  ³ 16. Sunlounger - Aguas Blancas (Chill Mix)                             º
  ³ 17. Conjure One - Only Sky                                             º
  ³ 18. Matt Darey ft Ashley Tomberlin - Lost At Sea (Rodg Remix)          º
  ³ 19. Chicane - Low Sun                                                  º
  ³ 20. The Realm - Lost In Space (Conjure One Remix)                      º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³     CD 2:                                                              º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ 01. Christian Burns & Paul Van Dyk - We Are Tonight (Acoustic          º
  ³     Version)                                                           º
  ³ 02. tyDi - Ashley's Theme (Chill Out Mix)                              º
  ³ 03. Emma Hewitt - Foolish Boy (Zetandel Chill Out Mix)                 º
  ³ 04. Lustral - Falling Leaves                                           º
  ³ 05. Tenishia - As We Speak (Chill Out Mix)                             º
  ³ 06. Dark Matters ft Neev Kennedy - Loneliness Won't Leave Me Alone     º
  ³ 07. Conjure One ft Aruna - Still Holding On (Aruna vs Conjure One      º
  ³     Chill Mix)                                                         º
  ³ 08. Eco - Alonism (Lounge Mix)                                         º
  ³ 09. Blake Jarrell ft Michael S. - Say What You Will (Acoustic Mix)     º
  ³ 10. Lustral - Once Again                                               º
  ³ 11. tyDi ft Christina Novelli - Fire & Load (Stripped) (Chill Out      º
  ³     Mix)                                                               º
  ³ 12. Lustral - Love Shines Through (Instrumental Mix)                   º
  ³ 13. Andy Moor & Ashley Wallbridge ft Gabriela - World To Turn          º
  ³ 14. Jurgen Vries ft CMC - The Opera Song (Brave New World) (Classical  º
  ³     Instrumental Mix)                                                  º
  ³ 15. Gabriel & Dresden - Ascending                                      º
  ³ 16. Susana ft Dark Matters - Sleepless Ocean                           º
  ³ 17. Kat Krazy ft Elkka - Siren (Rodg Chill Mix)                        º
  ³ 18. Conjure One - All That You Leave Behind                            º
  ³ 19. Matt Darey ft Erica Driscoll - Too Far (Zetandel Chill Mix)        º
  ³ 20. Chicane - Leaving Town                                             º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ [ RiPPERS C0MMENT ]                                                    º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ This is Armada Lounge Volume 7. Forty tunes of staggering beauty and   º
  ³ significant musical skill -- at times poetic, and at times as          º
  ³ careless as an island breeze…                                          º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ The compilation's opener 'Tomorrow' from Winter Kills (presented by    º
  ³ Josh Gabriel featuring vocalist Meredith Call) is likely one of the    º
  ³ best opening songs of recent memory, setting a tone that should have   º
  ³ been impossible to top. Despite the unreachable standard, Tenishia's   º
  ³ chill out remix of 'Point Of No Return' and Zetandel (remixing Armin   º
  ³ van Buuren's 'Waiting For The Night') prove to be more than up to the  º
  ³ task -- delivering follow-up tunes of impeccable quality.              º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ Packed with exclusive tunes, there are acoustic versions of classic    º
  ³ records, like Marco V & Christian Burns - ‘Frozen’ and the wistful     º
  ³ live performance of Cosmic Gate ft. Emma Hewitt - 'Be Your Sound'.     º
  ³ Dutch producer Rodg returns once more with his rendition of ‘Lost at   º
  ³ Sea', and Conjure One graces not one but four songs on the album.      º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ The second set features heavyweights like Paul van Dyk, Andy Moor,     º
  ³ Gabriel & Dresden, Chicane, and several tunes from Lustral. Classic    º
  ³ tunes from highly respected artists and fresh recreations of the       º
  ³ year’s biggest records can all be found here.                          º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³ Clearly a labor of love, ‘Armada Lounge Vol. 7’ will surely go down    º
  ³ as one of the greatest lounge compilations of our time. This record    º
  ³ proves that musicality and vision are still very much alive in 2014,   º
  ³ and it reminds us all that the pinnacle of electronic music has still  º
  ³ yet to be reached.                                                     º
  ³                                                                        º
  ³                                                                        º
    [ SiTES ]                                                              
  º                                                                        ³
  º       If you don't know, you probably shouldn't anyway...              ³
  º                                                                        ³
                                                               [ REGARDS ]
  ³                                                                        º
  ³   2DB * AAF * AMOK * APC * BPM * DS * EGO * EiTheLMP3 * iDC * JUST     º
  ³            KSi * MTC * SND * MiL * MOD * NBD * NmE * NUHS              º
  ³                     PULSE * RNS * REV * UTE * WLM                      º
  ³                      oDDiTy * DeMoN * Razor 1911                       º
  ³          Superior Art Creations * Chemical Reaction Project            º
  ³         ...and all others who make the mp3-scene a better place        º
    [ CONTACT ]                                                            
  º                                                                        ³
  º          Are you a promoripper/supplier or a DJ?... apply now!         ³
  º                                                                        ³
  º                                                                        ³
  º                 please contact us at waxmp3@hush.com                   ³
  º                                                                        ³
       ³    Nfo Header + Layout by Ferrex of Superior Art Creations   ³
       ³                                                              ³

  º  Created with Nf0 prepare v2.17, by: _Ntr_                             ³

pass: new.music

Âëàäèìèð Â.,
30 Jun 2014, 09:51 Roger Shah
aka DJ Shah, Sunlounger, Magic Wave

Üþ ßß þÜ
ÜÛß ßÜ Ferrex<SAC>
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þßßßßßß °ßßßßßßþÛ²±²ÛÛÛ° ßÛ ßßßßßßßÜß þÜ
°± [ wAx iS PROUD TO PRESENT TO YOU ..] ±±±±±±±° ßþ ÜÜ þß ±±±±±° ß ±±±±° °
º VA - Magic Island Vol 5 (Mixed By Roger Shah)-2CD Ü Ü ³
º RELEASE DATE..[ Jun 27 - 2014 ]º
º RELEASE SiZE..[ 281.81 Mb ]º
º # OF FiLES....[ 2 ]º
º º
º QUALiTY.......[ 250 kBit/s ]º
º USED ENCODER..[ LAME3.98r ]º
º º
º GENRE.........[ Trance ]º
º YEAR..........[ 2014 ]º
º ALBUM.........[ Magic Island Vol 5 (Mixed By Roger Shah)-2CD ]º
º ARTiST(S).....[ VA ]º
º LABEL.........[ Magic Island Records / Black Hole Recordings ]º
º ±²± [ TRACKS ] º
NR - TiTLE ... TiME.
³ º
³ [ 101-va-magic island vol 5 cd1 (mixed by roger shah) ] [78:34] º
³ [ 201-va-magic island vol 5 cd2 (mixed by roger shah) ] [78:27] º
³ º
³ .x [ PLAY-TiME [157:01] -*- TOTAL TRACKS [02] ] x. º
³ º
³ º
³ [ TRACK LiST ] º
³ º
³ CD 1: º
³ º
³ 01. High Noon At Salinas - Iberican Ways (Original Mix) º
³ 02. Roger Shah Presents Sunlounger ft Chase - Surrender (Brian º
³ Laruso's Touching Your Soul Remix) º
³ 03. Carla Werner - Power (Roger Shah Trenchtown Remix) º
³ 04. Roger Shah & DJ Feel ft Zara Taylor - One Life (Raul Pablo º
³ Sanchez Deeper Translation Remix) º
³ 05. Balearic Session - Visitas (Original Mix) º
³ 06. Roger Shah & Aisling Jarvis - When You're Here (Roger Shah Magic º
³ Island Mix) º
³ 07. Brian Laruso ft Mila Falls - Could This Be Love (MI5 Edit) º
³ 08. Raul Pablo Sanchez - Million Questions (Original Mix) º
³ 09. Dimension - Verano (Original Mix) º
³ 10. Guena LG & Amir Afargan ft Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Back To Paradise º
³ (Roger Shah Remix) º
³ 11. Garrido & Hanski - Otra Vez (Original Mix) º
³ 12. Global Experience - Santa Monica (Original Mix) º
³ 13. Rocking J ft Alexandra Badoi - Lumina (Original Mix) º
³ 14. Roger Shah - No Brainer (Original Mix) º
³ 15. Sephano & Torio - The Twin Paradox (MI5 Edit) º
³ º
³ CD 2: º
³ º
³ 01. Ari Kyle vs Koka - Rule (Original Mix) º
³ 02. Denis Sender - Morning Light (Original Mix) º
³ 03. Ari Kyle & Audioscape ft Simon Latham - Never Far (Original Mix) º
³ 04. Black Pearl - Tagula Island (Roger Shah & Ralph Fritsch Original º
³ Mix) º
³ 05. Puma Scorz ft Ai Takekawa - Too Late (Original Mix) º
³ 06. Rocking J - Cynthia 7 (Original Mix) º
³ 07. PM AttitudE - The Prophet (Original Mix) º
³ 08. Roger Shah & Sied Van Riel ft Jennifer Rene - Without You º
³ (Original Mix) º
³ 09. Denis Sender - From Sunset To Sunrise (Original Mix) º
³ 10. Roger Shah Presents Sunlounger & JES - Glitter And Gold (Roger º
³ Shah Rework) º
³ 11. Roger Shah & Nicholas Eli - Hope (Original Mix) º
³ 12. Paul Legvand - New Age (Original Mix) º
³ 13. Nick Callan - Trust Me (MI5 Remastered) º
³ 14. Roger Shah & Pierre Pienaar - The Namib (Original Mix) º
³ 15. Craft Integrated - New Dimension (Original Mix) º
³ º
³ º
³ º
³ º
³ He the man who’s got his mind on summer… and summer on the mind! º
³ Eternal sun-chaser Roger Shah returns, front end of 2014’s hot season º
³ with a fifth spectacular day-through-night seasonal soundtrack-er. º
³ Once again epitomizing to the nth degree his twin sonic psyches, by º
³ its mix turns ‘Magic Island 5’ supplies seaside atmosphere and º
³ nitric, beach-bar grooves and latterly synth and vocal driven club º
³ elevation. Featuring 30 new tracks, each expounding these ethics in º
³ their own way, the album includes a mass of new studio material from º
³ Roger himself, as well as many from his best know sobriquets and º
³ collaboration projects. In and amongst them is music from High Noon º
³ At Salinas, Black Pearl, Global Experience, Sunlounger as well as º
³ tracks from Carla Werner, Rocking J, Dennis Sender, PM Attitude and a º
³ whole host of others. º
³ º
³ Whether you be stretched horizontal on the beach or fully vertical º
³ club-side, ‘Magic Island 5’ is ready and waiting to pop the gateway º
³ open to summer. º
³ º
³ º
[ SiTES ]
º ³
º If you don't know, you probably shouldn't anyway... ³
º ³
³ º
³ 2DB * AAF * AMOK * APC * BPM * DS * EGO * EiTheLMP3 * iDC * JUST º
³ KSi * MTC * SND * MiL * MOD * NBD * NmE * NUHS º
³ oDDiTy * DeMoN * Razor 1911 º
³ Superior Art Creations * Chemical Reaction Project º
³ ...and all others who make the mp3-scene a better place º
º ³
º Are you a promoripper/supplier or a DJ?... apply now! ³
º ³
º ³
º please contact us at waxmp3@hush.com ³
º ³
³ Nfo Header + Layout by Ferrex of Superior Art Creations ³
³ ³

º Created with Nf0 prepare v2.17, by: _Ntr_ ³

pass: new.music

27 Jun 2014, 06:41 Cosmic Gate
What Do You Think About It..?
à âîò è îí)

Release Information

Artist: Cosmic Gate
Title: Start To Feel
Label: Armada Music
Cat. No.: ARDI3473A

Tracks: 17
Size: 205.45 MB
Quality: 320kbps / 44.1kHz / Full Stereo

Genre: Trance

Street date: 2014-06-27
Store: http://www.junodowload.com


1. Cosmic Gate - Happyness 6:21
2. Cosmic Gate with Eric Lumiere - Falling Back 4:39
3. Cosmic Gate with Orjan Nilsen - Fair Game 4:56
4. Cosmic Gate with Kristina Antuna - Alone 4:50
5. Cosmic Gate with Mike Schmid - No One Can Touch You Now 5:48
6. Cosmic Gate with Jerome Isma-Ae - Telefunken 4:39
7. Cosmic Gate with Eric Lumiere - Run Away 4:57
8. Cosmic Gate with Emma Hewitt - Going Home 4:33
9. Cosmic Gate with Sarah Lynn - Sparks After The Sunset 4:01
10.Cosmic Gate - Yai 5:41
11.Cosmic Gate - So Get Up 4:26
12.Cosmic Gate with Jaren - Try 4:18
13.Cosmic Gate with Cary Brothers - Start To Feel 5:45
14.Cosmic Gate with Alexander Popov & Jannika - Shine Forever 5:32
15.Cosmic Gate - Crushed 4:53
16.Cosmic Gate with KhoMha - Tormenta 4:43
17.Cosmic Gate with Jonathan Mendelsohn - All My Life 5:11

Total Track Time 85:13

Release Notes

" 'Start To Feel's story couldn't begin in a finer place than
'Happyness'. Cooler on tempo, higher on life, its sun-dipped pianos and
rhapsodic melodies fuse feel-great atmosphere into the album's overture.

Through its female vocal troupe, the LP's vision begins to broaden.
Founded on faithfully syncopated 80s electro drum patterns & FX, Jaren
cuts it soul-deep with 'Try', whilst 'Be Your Sound' heroine Emma Hewitt
returns with the torch-song triumph of 'Going Home'. Further in, 'Shine
Forever' and 'The Sparks After The Sunset' (co-starring Alexander Popov
& Jannika and Sarah Lynn respectively) radiate their spirited uplift.

An all-powerful atmosphere generator, 'Yai' dark charts the
outer-reaches of progressive instrumentalism... then voyages further
still. Likewise building more dissident characteristics into 'S.T.F.' is
the Jerome Isma-Ae co-production 'Telefunken', which pans, echoes and
tremors its square-form sonica, finally introducing a Kraftwerk-ian
lead-line. Skilfully flipping the frequency dial, Kristina Antuna
supplies mainline spark to 'Alone' - a track whose supremely catchy
lyrics and song will be all over the world's airwaves come summertime.

Naturally, no Cosmic Gate LP would be complete without a substantial
bedrock of arena-razing atomics! Tracks like 'So Get Up' and 'Crushed'
(exclusive to its iTunes release) have already given peak-time a
heads-up of what's incoming. Nic & Bossi reap further thunderous
instrumental havoc through the complexly programmed fire & brimstone
synthesis of Orjan Nilsen collab 'Fair Game' and the aural
superstructure of KhoMha co-pro 'Tormenta'.

'S.T.F.'s gravities are brought into acuter focus through music like 'No
One Can Touch You Now' and the album's title track 'Start To Feel'. All
but erasing the line between deep trance & house, they bring
never-previously-heard sounds and styles to Cosmic Gate's production
creed. Respectively, Mike Schmid and 'WYM' returnee Cary Brothers supply
their vocal expression to tracks whose lyrical narratives play in the
mind for days.

Making two appearances over its runtime, LA's Eric Lumiere brings vocal
elevation to "anthem-in-a-can" (DJ Mag) 'Falling Back' and a more deeply
held pathos to 'Run Away'. Heralding the album's coda, early Nic Chagall
singer/songwriter discovery Jonathan Mendelsohn brings an expressive,
moving vocal magnetism to its iTunes exclusive swansong 'All My Life'.

Music bible MIXMAG says 'Start To Feel' is: "stylistically fearless,
panoramic, astonishing and by virtue-of, reaches that hallowed height of
perfection." "
pass: new.music

BSP, tunebot,
25 Jun 2014, 16:10 ReOrder
Uplifting Trance \O/

Íàñòîÿùåå èìÿ Tibor Tomecko. Ðîäèëñÿ â ãîðîäå Ìàðòèí (Ñëîâàêèÿ) â 1984 ãîäó. Â íàñòîÿùåå âðåìÿ æèâåò â Ïðàãå.
Íà÷àë ñ íàïèñàíèÿ ìóçûêè â âîçðàñòå 14 ëåò. Ñíà÷àëà îí ïûòàëñÿ ïðîèçâîäèòü ìíîãî ñòèëåé, íî âñåãäà òðàíñ îñòàâàëñÿ ãëàâíûì äëÿ íåãî.

Íàêîíåö â 2006 ãîäó îí íà÷àë ðàáîòàòü òîëüêî íà ïðîèçâîäñòâå òðàíñ-ìóçûêè. Åãî ïåðâûé óñïåõ ïðèøåë â èþëå 2006 ãîäà, êîãäà îí ïîäïèñàë ñâîé ïåðâûé òðåê NO FAITH (ôåâðàëü 2007) [Total-Digital Records].
 íîÿáðå 2006 ãîäà îí âûïóñòèë Attention [Nulogic Records].
Ýòè òðåêè áûëè ïîçæå ïåðåèçäàíû íà ñâîé ïåðâûé EP ñ åùå äâóìÿ ïåñíÿìè Chickin Lover è In Trance I Believe êîòîðûå îí íàïèñàë, æèâÿ â Àíãëèè.

Òðåêè Experience è Sensitivity [Wildchild Records] áûëè ïîääåðæàíû Ferry Corsten, John Askew, Paul Van Dyk, Armin Van Burren, Markus Schulz, Matt Darey, Andy Moor, Aly & Filla.
Åãî ðåëèçû èìåëè îãðîìíóþ ïîääåðæêó ñî ñòîðîíû Ferry Corsten, Tom Colontonio, Pedro del Mar, Onova, Nitrous Oxide, Stoneface & Terminal, Solarstone, Aly & Fila, Ernesto vs. Bastian, Ilya Soloviev, Suzy Solar, Veselin Tasev, Aurosonic è ìíîãèõ äðóãèõ óâàæàåìûõ äè-äæååâ.

Ïðåäïî÷òèòåëüíûé ñòèëü âûïóñêàåìîé ìóçûêè - uplifting trance.

Ëåéáëû: Diverted Music, Infrasonic Recordings, Monster Tunes, Perceptive Recordings, Silent Shore Records, SMP Musikverlag, Total Digital Recordings (Fektive), Trance All-Stars Records, Unearthed Records

ßâëÿåòñÿ îäíèì èç ó÷ðåäèòåëåé ëåéáëà Silent Shore Records

Ñïåöèàëüíî äëÿ ñòàðòà òåìû ñîçäàë ïàê èç âîò ýòèõ òðåêîâ.
Åñòü åù¸ î÷åíü ìíîãî ðåëèçîâ, êàê ðàçáåðó ïî îðèãèíàëàì - äîáàâëþ! wink.gif

pass: new.music
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5

È ñâåæèé ðåëèç: cool.gif
1. Beyond Horizons (Original Mix) 6:23
2. Beyond Horizons (Airborn Remix) 7:27
3. Beyond Horizons (Paul Di White Remix) 8:07
4. Beyond Horizons (RAID Remix) 7:04
5. Beyond Horizons (Paul Shields Remix) 7:03
6. Beyond Horizons (Frozen Skies Club Mix) 6:36
Dante, E-GENN, Èííà È.,
23 Jun 2014, 09:02 Ferry Tayle (Ludovic Meyer)
aka Cape Town, Everest
íó è âîò îíà, ðàäîñòíàÿ íîâîñòü)) Ôåððè âûïóñêàåò àëüáîì!!

The wait is over. The Wizard' is released at all stores on Monday 7th July, pre order your copy now at iTunes, and get 'Battle Of The Barrels' instantly: http://enhan.co/TheWizard-iT


1. Ferry Tayle - Let The Magic Happen (Album Intro Mix)
2. Ferry Tayle feat. Poppy - The Way Back Home (Album Mix)
3. Ferry Tayle feat. Driftmoon - Geometrix (Album Mix)
4. Ferry Tayle - Metamorphosis (Album Mix)
5. Ferry Tayle - Glorious Deception (Album Mix)
6. Ferry Tayle feat. Sarah Shields & Ludovic H - The Most Important Thing (Album Mix)
7. Ferry Tayle feat. Hannah Ray - Memory Of Me (Album Mix)
8. Ferry Tayle - Trapeze (The Wizard Album Mix)
9. Ferry Tayle feat. Erica Curran - Rescue Me (Album Mix)
10. Ferry Tayle feat. Poppy - The One I'll Never Be (Album Mix)
11. Ferry Tayle feat. Karybde & Scylla - Glitterings Of Hope (Album Mix)
12. Ferry Tayle feat. Suncatcher - Origami (Album Mix)
13. Ferry Tayle & Daniel Kandi - Flying Blue (Album Mix)
14. Ferry Tayle & Stonevalley - Battle Of The Barrels (Album Mix)
15. Ferry Tayle - Broadway Avenue (Album Mix)
16. Ferry Tayle - The Wizard (Album Outro Mix)
crazal, Dreamkeeper, E-GENN, Èííà È.,
20 Jun 2014, 14:49 Ferry Tayle (Ludovic Meyer)
aka Cape Town, Everest
1. The Way Back Home (Club Mix) 7:16
2. The Way Back Home (Dan Stone Remix) 7:35
3. The Way Back Home (Monoverse Remix) 6:56
4. The Way Back Home (Matt Bowdidge Remix) 7:19
5. The Way Back Home (New World Remix) 8:05
pass: new.music


p.s. Îòëè÷íûé ðåëèç, ñ õîðîøèì íàáîðîì ðåìèêñîâ wink.gif îáîøëîñü áåç ÿäîâèòîãî çâó÷àíèÿ, ó âñåõ ïîëó÷èëîñü î÷åíü äàæå ñëóøàáåëüíî.
12 Jun 2014, 13:31 John O'Callaghan
aka Inertia, Exertion, Mannix
        * artist      .........: Inertia
        * album       .........: The Chamber: Remixes

        * label       .........: Discover Records (UK)
        * catalog     .........: DISCOVER119
        * genre       .........: Trance

        * quality     .........: 320 Kbps 44100Hz Full Stereo
        * size        .........: 39,04 megs
        * street date .........: 2014-06-09
        * url         .........: http://www.beatport.com

        1.   The Chamber (Indecent Noise Remix)                  8:54
        2.   The Chamber (Liam Wilson Remix)                     8:08

                                                   PLAYTiME: 00:17:02

pass: new.music

Âëàäèìèð Â.,

3 ñòðàíèö V   1 2 3 >
Òåêñòîâàÿ âåðñèÿ Ñåé÷àñ: 27th September 2024 - 04:02

 Ðîññèéñêèé Ôàí Ñàéò DJ BOBO - ïîïóëÿðíåéøåãî åâðîïåéñêîãî dance ìàñòåðà

@andrew.aspidov | artmusic.center